Submit it to your tax preparer as it may reflect reportable income.
Please log into VendorWeb, where you can view a detailed list of your payment history for this year. You will need your 12 character vendor code, beginning with “VC”, as well as the Tax Identification Number (TIN) first submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via a Form W-9.
If you don’t know your vendor code, contact the Office of the Comptroller at 617-973-2468 or
The Commonwealth, following IRS guidance, has shortened tax identification numbers on Forms 1099 to reduce the risk of identity theft. You may use this to file your taxes.
Please log into VendorWeb, where you can view a detailed list of your payment history for this year. You will need your 12 character vendor code, beginning with “VC”, as well as the Tax Identification Number (TIN) first submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via a Form W-9.
If you don’t know your vendor code, contact the Office of the Comptroller at 617-973-2468 or
You may need to contact the department that made the payments to work through the specific issue. The Office of the Comptroller does not provide a list of payments.
If you have a new mailing address, please contact the agency with which you do business to update your mailing information.
VendorWeb contains Forms 1099 for the current and previous two tax years.
You will need your 12 character vendor code, beginning with “VC”, as well as the Tax Identification Number (TIN) first submitted to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via a Form W-9.
If you don’t know your vendor code, contact the Office of the Comptroller at 617-973-2468 or
If you need Form 1099s going back further, request a Wage and Income Transcript from the IRS:
The Commonwealth follows IRS rules and issues the Form 1099 to the Tax ID that was submitted when the Vendor Code was set up. If this information has been updated, you will need to contact the department with whom you are doing business, and submit an original Form W-9 for correction.
The Commonwealth follows IRS rules and must send you information regarding your tax reportable payments. The Commonwealth cannot advise you on your IRS filing status. Consult a tax professional or the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 or